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In preparating for Miss United States Organization week, I am making serious effort to be ready to compete against 48 other women in my division! But this effort takes lots of support, not only through services but also through financial contributions.


I want to charge you to consider supporting me through this journey. I realize that it is difficult to contribute funds where you do not receive a product but I assure you, your support is going to more than you know! And I am confident to say that it is going into good ground!


National competition requires air travel, hotel stay, wardrobe, glam squad (hair and make up), shoes, fabulous accessories and much more!


My dream is to be at my best and exceed my financial goal but it will take YOUR help to make this dream a reality!


Please click the button below for your donation choice. You will be directed to PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, simply follow the directions and click on the link to use your Credit/Debit card as shown in the photo below!


Your help means the world to me! I won't let you down!


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Thanks In Advance!

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